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White Collar

2008 - 2011
White Collar (man_coffee)
White Collar (man_coffee), 2009.

Project Description

White Collar is a body of photographs about the economic shifts encountered by white-collar workers in the era of late capitalism. By extension this work reflects on the evolving position of Western economic power, a position dominated by males for most of capitalism’s history. The photographic series trains its attention on two iconic representations of economic power: businessmen—who are captured and isolated in in-between moments as if contemplating their status and range of responsibilities in competitive urban life—and the signifier of global market relevance, the skyscraper, appearing elegant and ominous at once.


Urban Institute of Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI

Pace Univeristy, New York, NY

Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO

White Collar (man_furrowed brow)
White Collar (man_furrowed brow), 2009.
 White Collar, Ambivalent Priorities, 2008.
White Collar, Ambivalent Priorities, 2008.
White Collar (mirror tower)
White Collar (mirror_tower), 2009.
White Collar Image 3.
White Collar (man_notepad), 2009.
White Collar Image 3.
White Collar (man_overpass), 2011.
White Collar (dark tower)
White Collar (dark tower), 2009.
White Collar (midtown_tower)
White Collar (midtown_att), 2009.
White Collar (man_corner)
White Collar (man_corner), 2009.
White Collar-Striped Tower
White Collar (striped tower), 2009.
White Collar Image-Three Moments
White Collar, Three Moments, 2008.