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Yoko Ono AI

2023 ...    
Image generated using artificial intelligence. It combines the prompt text (Yoko Ono's instruction) with the generated image. This image was created by training an AI with an image of Ono.
Scream, 2023.

Project Description

The prompt is key in making art with AI. A prompt can be understood as an instruction. Yoko Ono’s book “Grapefruit” (first published in 1964) is composed of instructions, prompting the reader to have a variety of experiences - mentally, or possibly physically, if one is inclined. Accordingly, this project is titled “Yoko Ono AI.” Ono’s ‘prompts’ have been used to generate the AI imagery (I have also worked with the images, tried variations on the prompts, and in some cases enhanced image features). The prompts are integrated into the images so that their relevance is inescapable. They are like veils over the images, both obscuring them and imbuing them with intentions, Ono’s intentions.

This image shows a goldfish hovering above rippled water, with the prompt in orange letters in front.
Goldfish, 2023.
An image generated using artificial intelligence. It combines the prompt text (Yoko Ono's instruction) with the generated image. This image has an aqua colored room with pink text in front.
Room Piece , 2023.
This AI generated image features an organic smokestack with the text prompt layered on top.
Chimnies, 2024.
Colorful underwater abstraction with text prompt on top of it.
Water Talk, 2024.
This AI generated image has a dark green house balanced on a hilltop, with grey and olive text in front.
Build a House, 1, 2023.
This image is clouds of smoke in a variety of colors: peach, off-white, purple. The text prompt consists of blues and lavenders.
Air Talk (hedging), 2024.
This image is a mustard yellow, featuring a waterdrop in the middle. The text prompt is light blue.
Waterdrop, 2024.
This is a creepy image featuring a mutated human face composed of yellow, oranges, and reds. The text prompt is variations of blue.
Pulse  , 2024.
There are red curtains and the front of a stage. The text prompt is in a variety of greens.
Concert  , 2023.
This is a portrait of a man who has pencils sticking out of his head and the prompt layered on top.
Pencil Head , 2024.